Flying in crow pose (Kakasana)

On Saturday morning I finally held a crow pose for longer than 5 seconds. I was elated as I’ve been trying to do this pose on and off for about 2 years! The thing that helped? Starting with my feet on a block at the lowest setting. This was a great tip from a new teacher! I think this gave my body an idea of how high my feet needed to be. I am extremely excited because now I can move on to head stand. For some reason I am approaching the inversion poses one at a time. I figured crow pose was the least scary upside down pose for me. Many articles actually tout it as a good beginner arm balance pose.

Beautiful sporty fit yogini woman practices yoga asana kakasana - crow pose in studioSo apart from looking and feeling awesome, five main benefits of holding this pose are:

Building arm strength

Building wrist strength

Builds core strength

Increased sense of balance

Prepares the mind and body for more challenging arm balances


Those with chronic wrist pain, carpel tunnel are advised to avoid this pose. As are women who are pregnant.


Here is a step-by-step guide to help you find your crow pose. Please also visit for help with this pose and other poses.

  1. From mountain pose move into a squat with hands on the floor shoulder distance apart.
  2. Lift your hips high while engaging your core muscles. Place your knees against your upper tricep muscles. Bend your elbows slightly to make a shelf for your elbows.
  3. Set your gaze forward of your hands begin to shift forward onto your arms. If you are new to this pose try lifting just one foot. This is a good modification for beginners to try. Work towards lifting both feet. Eventually work towards straightening your arms.
  4. Hold the pose for 10 seconds to 1 minute.

You can always use a yoga block to launch the crow pose from as I mentioned earlier. This really helped me figure out just how high my hips needed to be. If you look at the photo, her feet are in line with her chin. Additionally her hips and her gaze continue along the same plane.

Here is another source for reference from my awesome friend Tara Stiles. She advocates a gentle rocking back and forth flowing move to find your way into a crow pose in this short YouTube video.

Tara Stiles in Crow Pose.
Tara Stiles in Crow Pose.


Take your time and have fun trying to get into this pose.  If you feel like you need some more arm or core strength first, practice with some plank poses.


What is your favorite arm or inversion pose? What are you currently challenging yourself with? Do you have any additional tips or tricks for Crow Pose?


Thanks for reading and have fun!



Disclaimer: All articles written on Microyogi are opinions and not meant to serve as any kind of instruction for how to move your body. I am merely writing to serve as a means of trying to find my own answers. I am not a certified trainer or medical expert.